NFL Wives & Girlfriends Redefined - POSH Spotlight on LeShonda Martin

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I recently had the pleasure of chatting with fellow NFL wife, LeShonda Martin. We had the opportunity to connect and she had the chance to  share with me a bit more about her life, what she’s feeling passionate about, and how she gets/stays in shape as a former college athlete. Thank you for taking the time to talk with us, LeShonda, and wishing you so much luck in all your upcoming projects!

  • What is a day in the life like for you right now?

It has always been my goal to create a schedule and stick to it. They say the most successful people do the same routine every day. My mornings look quite the same, but as the day goes on it kind of freestyles. While my husband is away on the job, I wake up at 6:30, feed the dogs and let them out, make a cup of coffee, read whatever book I’m reading at the time and pray. Right now I’m reading “Boss Women Pray” by Kachelle Kelly and “Organizing Your Day” by  Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims. After my morning reading and prayer, I refer to my planner to see what needs to be done for the day. This could be a multitude of things including: networking, answering emails, phone calls with potential clients and colleagues, writing interviews, brainstorming ideas, research, and evaluating the previous month. My goals for this month are to include workouts and nutritious meal planning into that consistent schedule. My days are kind of hectic right now, only because I am a realtor and have a closing this month, I am an administrator for a new NFL wives association, and I’m the founder of a new website launching next month.

  • You recently launched a new site - what do you wish to achieve with

The new site you mentioned is actually scheduled to launch on October 1st! Right now, is a personal blog I started in which my goal was to be a voice for NFL spouses, fiancées, and girlfriends. I felt the need for a positive media outlet for NFL families, considering the recent rise in negative media attention (domestic violence, suicide, rape, child abuse, etc) and the common misconceptions of NFL women. Ultimately, I want to change the conversation of what is being discussed and focused on within the NFL community. I want to showcase the healthy marriages, the spouse businesses, and the truth about NFL families from the eyes of the women, whose voices often go unheard.

  • What do you think is one of the biggest misconceptions about being an NFL/pro athlete's wife?

I would say the biggest misconception is that we have nothing going for ourselves and that we married our men for money and status. I can’t speak for every case because the divorce rate in the NFL is said to be 70% currently. I can only vouch for me and many of the NFL wives I’ve interviewed, in which our men chased us or had to convince us to give them a chance. For the wives who weren’t chased down by their husbands, I’ve been told that it wasn’t football that

brought them together. Most of these women have real substance and are good, genuine women. I was inspired to start a website to showcase amazing NFL women because I met so many when my husband played for the Jaguars. I quickly found out many of the wives juggle motherhood, a boss job or business, and being a supportive spouse in the midst of the uncertain NFL lifestyle. Although we are a blessed community in many ways, I feel we get a bad rep. I know for me, money isn’t everything. I serve a God who tells me that our purpose on this earth is to turn souls to him. I’m doing everything I can to use this platform to do just that. If you Google “NFL wives” on the Internet, you will see that this is not how most people view us. The fact that we are normal women and extraordinary women isn’t being talked about.

  • What is your dream for the NFL wives community?

I’m all about women empowerment. It is my goal to have as many NFL wives, fiancées, and girlfriends as possible join the Professional Football Wives Association (PFWA). I’m like Nicole in that I’m more about unity than creating division. I wanted to create an organization where the common connection between the women was that our significant other plays, coaches, or manages in the National Football League. However, I didn’t want to create a distinction between wives and girlfriends. In my eyes, none of us know how long we will be around. A girlfriend experiences many of the same emotions and situations that wife in this lifestyle does. It’s not my job to judge other people’s relationships and decide if it’s serious enough for you to be my friend. I’ve heard some NFL women tell me it varies by team, but that on some teams there is a clear distinction between wives and girlfriends. For what? A girlfriend could become a wife in

three years and have a great relationship with her man. A wife could be on the verge of divorce and have an unhealthy relationship. What does it matter? We are all women experiencing life in the NFL. My dream is for these women to join PFWA so that we can fellowship, connect, and impact communities. It is also my dream to have the website appear #1 in the search results when someone wants to research “NFL wives”. I want the conversation about our community to extend beyond what we look like and who we’re married to, to who we are as people. Lastly, I would love for the NFL to support the movement and campaign to showcase NFL players as family men and also the women in their lives. If you’re an NFL significant other, you can join the Professional Football Wives Association (PFWA) by sending an email to for more information. 

  • What has been the reaction so far from both other wives, players, or the public?

I have received primarily positive feedback from emails, texts, blog comments, and social media comments. I have not received a negative comment on the blog or in my email yet. Other wives are really supportive of what I’m trying to do, which is why it has not been challenging to have interviews. Some of the wives have reviewed the article from the interview with their husbands and the players loved it. They support their women getting some positive media attention and  spotlight for all they are and what they do on a daily basis. The public says that my blog is a blessing and eye-opening. Many of them find it shocking or surprising to see that NFL wives are former collegiate student-athletes, business owners, and that we also have similar struggles. It’s as if we are not considered to be like everyone else. My site strives to showcase that we are.

  • What was your initial reaction to TPM?

I love what Nicole has started with The Posh Mommy. I thought the website looked professional and inviting and that it’s a great idea. I like the idea of being able to see some of my favorite designers all in one place and for a deal of a price!  

  • What is your go-to date night look?

This is a tricky question. As a former basketball player, I really got comfortable with sweats. Like, I love sweatpants and a good t shirt. I’m still a tomboy at heart. My husband says he likes me in whatever. Since I know he’s a good man and has to say that, when I dress up for date nights, it’s usually in a pair of skinny jeans and a flowy top with some high heels and a cute clutch.

  • What is your go-to game day look?

My style is sporty for games. Normally, I rock some blue jeans with team-issued gear or a custom jersey, a baseball cap, and some retro Js.

  • Any beauty/fitness tips/tricks you swear by?

When I was a personal trainer, I told my clients to aim for a gallon of water a day,  eat green vegetables, and engage in high intensity workouts. My fitness advice is still the same. When I fall off track, I know a healthy diet is number one and tough workouts at the gym is number two. I can usually get in shape quickly with commitment to these two areas. As far as beauty tips, I’m all about natural beauty so I would say make sure to visit your dentist every six months and floss. Keep that smile right! Lastly, don’t go to bed without removing your makeup and washing your face.

  • What are a few items on TPM that you can't wait to get your hands on!?

I saw two cheetah print sweaters by DVF and Marc Jacobs that are my style. I would rock those with some Giuseppe heels or pointy Louboutins in a heartbeat. I saw some cute, brown leather Aldo boots that would be perfect for this Fall weather coming up as well.  

  • Words/ideas you live by or inspires you that you'd like to share?
Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”

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